Name: Hossam El Din Hedait Abdel Hamid He was born in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt in 1995 Hossam obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Technology from the Integrated Technology Cluster in the year 2018 He got first place in a batch with a total of 100%. He completed his military service as an engineer in the Republican Guard forces He has many books, but the most prominent and first of his writings is a book on the pick microcontroller, whose name is bits of pics for microcontroller Hossam worked as a medical equipment engineer and then went to work as a teaching assistant in his college.
I do research on scientific, technological and technical issues for learning and education.
One of the important skills that I have is problem solving with regard to technical, engineering and technological matters to cross problems with the least possible losses.
One of the important skills that I have is the technical explanations to explain the lessons and technical, engineering and technological topics.
سكاشن مادة تحميل سيشن 1- الكابلات || التركيبات الكهربية بالمباني السكنية وتركيب الأنابيب